Security Monitoring

Security Monitoring

What is Log File ?

Before discussing log file lets discuss what is "Video Recorder". It is just a series of snapshot or photos taken at various successive small interval, Right? So, what is use of this video that have been recorded by the video recorder? The greatest use is that we can always track that what had happened at that particular interval of time. Tracking of past or history is always a valuable information.

Just like video camera recorder, that records sequence of photos to which it is focused. Log files stores the records of detail information (like time and date at which event occurred, user name who was responsible for particular event etc.) about each events.

So, when we talk about log file related to the "Computer Science" it is any file that stores the detailed information (in a particular format or syntax) about the events that has occurred in devices (like web servers, database sever, personal computers, laptops and various other digital device that support logging or create log files) or the application on these devices. Events could be user actions, such as clicking a mouse button or pressing a key, or system occurrences, such as running out of memory.

So we can say that log is a record of the events occurring within an organization’s systems and networks. Logs are composed of log entries; each entry contains information related to a specific event that has occurred within a system or network.

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